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Question 1: Which type of exercise should typically be prioritised at the beginning of a workout day (assuming the athlete has no current injuries)?
Single joint, Isolation exercises
Explosive speed exercises
Compound exercises
Joint stability and rehab exercises
Question 2: What is NOT a good use of slow Concentric Tempos during exercises?
Muscle Hypertrophy
Connective Tissue Strengthening
Mind-Muscle Connection
Speed and power improvements
Checking for muscle imbalances and movement errors
Question 3: What is the minimum length of pause needed to remove the effect of the stretch-shortening cycle during strength training exercises?
2 seconds
4 seconds
8 seconds
30 seconds
Question 4: A difference between the flat back extension, and the 45-degree back extension is ….
The muscle groups used
The force velocity curve
The strength curve of the exercises
The risk to benefit profile of the exercise
Question 5: A big reason not to use high-intensity loads with additional bands and chains all year round is….
They are ineffective training tools with little benefit
They make the exercise unnatural, increasing joint pain
They are hard for the nervous system to recover from and should be cycled on and off
They make the exercise less stable increasing injury risk
Question 6: Which of these plyometric exercises is best for reducing an athlete's ground contact time?
Box jump
Drop jump
Broad jump
Jump from a seated position
Question 7: During workout plans which use a lot of partial range Exercises e.g. half squats or bench press from pins. A good way to help transfer the strength gained from heavy partials to full-range exercises is to add sets of the full range-of-motion version of that same exercise later in the workout.
Question 8: The main goal of a strength training program during the athlete's competition season is to….
Increase speed and power
Increase sport specific strength
Maintain physical qualities, while focusing on recovery for competition days
Improve energy system ability for their sport
Question 9: For athletes new to strength training, it is better to train multiple strength attributes (speed, power, hypertrophy, etc) during a single training microcycle so they have a good base for future development.
Question 10: Energy system capability is developed faster than strength and power. But it is also de-trained faster if not maintained.
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